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If the master is exceptional, he creates a timeless and remarkable masterpiece. But, what if one masterpiece is created by two geniuses, two masters, two artists, each an expert in his own right?


If the master is exceptional, he creates a timeless and remarkable masterpiece. But, what if one masterpiece is created by two geniuses, two masters, two artists, each an expert in his own right?

2 Masters in their own domain.

2 Masters in their own domain.

For over 40 years, Dictador has been meticulously perfecting the art of rum making according to family recipes and techniques. It is now time that this superior-aged rum finds its way to the workshops of some of the most outstanding artists of the spirit world – artists who expertly craft distinct categories of alcohol in the most exquisite ways imaginable.

Each of these artists have been meticulously selected to represent his own category of alcohol, based on craftsmanship that is unmatched, exceptional and beyond compare. Each invited artist is to receive in their domain specially selected barrels of Dictador rum and to continue the unique maturing process

_ in a different cellar

_ on a different continent

_ under the expertise of another Cellar Master.

For over 40 years, Dictador has been meticulously perfecting the art of rum making according to family recipes and techniques. It is now time that this superior-aged rum finds its way to the workshops of some of the most outstanding artists of the spirit world – artists who expertly craft distinct categories of alcohol in the most exquisite ways imaginable.

Each of these artists have been meticulously selected to represent his own category of alcohol, based on craftsmanship that is unmatched, exceptional and beyond compare. Each invited artist is to receive in their domain specially selected barrels of Dictador rum and to continue the unique maturing process

_ in a different cellar

_ on a different continent

_ under the expertise of another Cellar Master.

The result is a spirit which blurs the lines between categories and is rivalled by none other.

The result is a spirit which blurs the lines between categories and is rivalled by none other.



Creator of distinguished Colombian Dictador rum that belongs Iconic Art Spirits category. This rum has been aged according to exclusive, family-owned recipes for three generations. Thus, Hernan Parra is entrusting his best barrels from selected vintages in the hands of other cellar masters.


Creator of distinguished Colombian Dictador rum that belongs Iconic Art Spirits category. This rum has been aged according to exclusive, family-owned recipes for three generations. Thus, Hernan Parra is entrusting his best barrels from selected vintages in the hands of other cellar masters.

The Best Masters of each category

In 2021 we will present

Masters of categories:
